Solfeggio Frequencies & why you should be listening to them.
About a month ago, as I was starting to add in resources to help work through layers of trauma and shadow work, I came across the term “solfeggio frequencies”. At the time, it seemed a little out there to me but as I began to listen each night and during times of anxiety, I can now confidently say I am a fan.
What I will also say is that these frequencies have quite a history and it was a lot to sift through! Luckily, I have compiled all I’ve learned into this nifty little (kinda long) blog. Below we will dive into what solfeggio frequencies are, how they help the body heal, where you can listen to them, and *my personal favorite*, some conspiracy theories.
What are they & why do they work?
At the most basic level, they are tones that vibrate in varying ranges to create different sounds and subsequently, positive effects on the body. This happens because our cells also vibrate at certain frequencies. When the vibrational frequencies of our bodies are exposed to certain vibrations in music or sounds, they begin to resonate together, triggering a new vibration in our cells. This new vibration can lead to improved cognition, release of trauma, stress reduction and so much more.
It simply comes down to the fact that everything in the Universe is matter, energy, and frequency. Every vibration has its own frequency. Additionally, the adult body is 75% water, and water is a great conductor of sound. Solfeggio frequencies use specific sound patterns to help stimulate the brain, exposing your brainwaves to a range of beneficial frequencies. From there, these vibrations travel through the body, promoting circulation, energy flow, and rejuvenation. The frequency of the sound synchronizes with the brainwaves and activates healing in the body and penetrates into the conscious and subconscious mind.
“Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies”
A Brief History of Solfeggio Frequencies
The History
Dating back to the 9th and 10th century, with roots in the Roman Catholic Church, Gregorian monks were known to have a series of chants for various occasions. They were passed down through generations and known as the Gregorian chant - a form of unaccompanied sacred song often done in harmony. When sung, the monks thought these tones would bring specific blessings on those who listened.
In later years, an Italian monk by the name of Guido of Arezzo taught these melodies and harmonies to choirs via the “Guidonian Hand”, where one’s fingers and palm were assigned certain notes in a scale. By pointing to certain parts of the hand, he would guide choir members on what note was next. However, up until this point there was no actual written music notation, so he took it upon himself to create one. It is claimed that he derived these notations from the ancient “Hymn to Saint John the Baptist”.
Back then, this resulted in the“solfege” aka a vocal scale “ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la”. Nowadays, these notations are what we know as “do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti do”. However, it is those original 6 notes upon which the solfeggio frequencies are based.
Still with me??
How They Were Discovered
The tones have an interesting origin in both math and religion. In ancient Greece, the mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras led a cult that was convinced of the spiritual significance of the numbers 3,6, and 9. There is a whole lot more to why these numbers are important, which you can read more about here, but for now, it’s enough to simply know that these numbers are significant!
From Guido’s time until the mid 19070’s, the tones had gotten lost as tuning methods changed and modernized. It was then that Dr. Joseph Puleo, a physician and herbalist, brought them back into modern discourse. By looking at previous research and using an ancient Pythagorean method, he rediscovered a series of six measurable electromagnetic sound frequencies, each of which corresponded to the syllables in the Hymn to St. John the Baptist. It was realized that each of the main solfeggio frequencies are divisible by 3, 6, and/or 9, which is why they were considered to be such holy tones -- “in tune” with the Universe.
“If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
What Are the Solfeggio Frequencies?
The frequencies
396 Hz
Liberates you from fear and guilt, enabling us to achieve goals
Great to help ground, centre and re-stabilize
417 Hz
Facilitates change
Brings us closer to Spirit, and helps us return to our life's purpose
It can cleanse traumatic experiences
528 Hz
“The Miracle Tone”
DNA repair and transformation
It is said that healing our DNA increases our life energy, clears our mind, brings about greater awareness, and creativity. It also opens us to powerful spiritual experiences. When used alongside clear intention setting, this frequency was thought to have the ability to bring about miracles.
639 Hz
Reconnects you with your relationships
Facilitates deep connection by enhancing understanding, tolerance, and love.
Helps to solve relationship issues and can also encourage cells to better communicate with their environments.
741 Hz
Helps provide solutions and self-expression
Great for cleansing toxicity and electromagnetic radiation from the cells.
Can also clear viral, bacterial, and fungal infections. It encourages us to lead healthier, simpler, more spiritually-aligned lives.
852 Hz
Brings you back to a spiritual order
Stimulates the third eye chakra, inner strength, and self-realization
Dissolves energetic blockages that hinder communication with our higher self and spirit guides.
My Thoughts on Healing Frequencies
I truly believe in the power of healing frequencies. Why? Well, besides the research, it’s pretty simple. Everything has a frequency. They are easily felt, but not always easily seen or heard. The sound of a bee flapping their wings is a frequency. The energy we feel when we walk into a tense room is a frequency. Additionally, nature is obsessed with the same numbers 3, 6, and 9 and when we are out in nature, there is a reason we feel so grounded and centered.
My personal preference is to listen to solfeggio frequencies at night. I have an Oura ring and consistently track higher sleep quality on nights when I let them play during my sleep. I sometimes have them playing during the day, but that can be hard depending on what the day has scheduled. Do what works best for you!
Also, at the end of the day, even if listening to these frequencies is a placebo effect, does it really matter if you end up feeling better? ;) Food for thought...
How Can I Listen to Healing Frequencies?
I mostly listen to Solfeggio frequencies on Youtube and Spotify! I love the channel “Meditative Mind” but there are a ton out there! When listening to them, make sure you are in a nice quiet place where you can settle in and absorb the tones. It’s not recommended to listen to them while doing other tasks that require your attention. Ideally, you are in a comfy position in a quiet, safe, relaxing space and you simply select a track that speaks to you. There is no specific order you need to follow or position you need to sit or lay down in.
As I said before, my personal preference is to put them on before bed and consciously listen. I then let them play as I fall asleep, and they will continue through the night. They are best at a low to moderate volume when the tones are not overbearing, but loud enough that you don’t need to strain to hear them.
These are my favorite Youtube videos to listen to while I sleep:
528Hz | Miracle Tone | Promotes Deep Healing, Reduces Stress, Boosts Energy
528 Hz ⁂ ACTIVATE SELF HEALING & Positive Transformation | Solfeggio Sleep Music
SLEEP MUSIC ❯ 528Hz DREAMSCAPE MUSIC ❯ Relax Mind Body Soul ❯ Healing Frequency Meditation Music
These are my favorite Youtube videos for a whole body healing boost:
a solfeggio conspiracy theory
Last, but certainly not least, I wanted to share some more “out there” theories I came across in my research because let’s face it… who doesn't love a good conspiracy theory?
Back in the day, as music started to become more universal and therefore written down, people realized there was a need for standardized notation and sound. Up to that point, France, England, Italy and the United States all tuned their instruments to different frequencies - mainly 432 hz and 435 hz. In 1953, a declaration was signed that changed the universal tuning fork frequency to 440 hz. That’s why nowadays a song played in Japan sounds the same as one in Italy, England and so forth. Although no one can definitively say why this frequency was chosen, there are a few interesting theories.
The Sinister 440 hz
Allegedly, there were more evil intentions around the choice to adopt 440 hz as our standard. It is said that the Rockefeller Foundation had an interest in making sure the United States adopted 440 Hz and funded a lot of military research as part of a “war on consciousness” to make sure it happened.
Of course, why stop here when we could also connect them to Frank Goebels, one of the most hated men in modern history. Apparently he promoted the idea of all music being at 440 hz because he believed it could force people to think and act in a certain way, making them easier to control.
Fun fact - if you have seen Kingsman, this is the same concept as Samuel L Jackson’s character brainwashing people with a certain tone. If you want to read into this more, Dr. Leonard Horowitz wrote a paper going *quite* in depth on the whole idea.
So there you have it!
I have my opinions on all this and I’d love to hear yours in the comments.
The next time you are looking to heal, relax, sleep better, have better concentration, or just surround yourself with some beautiful, soothing tones, consider checking out these wonderful ancient frequencies.