how to support your body through C*vid

At the end of September I contracted c*vid. I am cen$oring the word, just in case this article doesn’t get shown as it has lots of helpful information!

I am really grateful my experience was as mild as it was. That’s not to say that it was enjoyable by any means but it was 2 weeks from a positive test to a negative one and I am grateful it wasn’t more serious. I am also super grateful it wasn’t awful because at the time, Steve and I were on a trip in Washington and were staying in a tent in the woods. We got back from that trip, spent 1 day at our in-laws where we’d been staying (they luckily weren’t home that day), got the positive result, and had to leave. We drove through the night to Colorado and quarantined in our truck and my parents brought us food. We didn’t shower, have the use of a kitchen or electricity… it was rough. But! As always, we made it, laughed a lot along the way, and even when it was less than ideal, we trusted the process and our ability to heal. We are now in a new spot and feeling great!

In case you are wondering… to this day, I am unsure how I got it because it must have been before we left on our trip to Washington. I only went to Trader Joe’s / the local co-op and always wore a mask & socially distanced so it’s really anyone’s guess.

Here is a compilation of what I found useful + read about being beneficial after the fact. I am adding them here, even if I didn’t try them myself, if there were something I would’ve done. For example, I didn’t have access to a nebulizer so I can’t personally speak to its efficacy but I have known it to help many. I put a * next to all things I personally did. Some of the links listed may be affiliate links, from which I earn a small commission at no extra charge to you.

Symptom recap over the 2 weeks

Day 1

I was FREEZING. I spent the night shivering uncontrollably, unable to warm up. I didn’t immediately think it was c*vid because we had been camping in the damp forest and it was in the 40’s at night.

Day 2

Woke up drenched in sweat but still cold (no more shivering) and I had no appetite. Again, this was a common Lyme symptom for me so I didn’t jump to conclusions and I had no other symptoms.

Day 3

I woke up again with little appetite and horrific body aches and we began the 10 hour drive home. I was in more pain than I have ever experienced with everything - behind my eyes, my fingers, every joint, muscle, etc. - hurting and throbbing. Sitting in the car for the whole day probably didn’t help and it was quite unpleasant. There were a few hours in the car where I felt a little feverish but I think it broke pretty quickly afterwards. That night, my appetite came back with full force. On the drive back, we stopped at a free testing spot.

Day 4

My first day back inside a home and I woke up with a cough. Wonder if that was a coincidence? Other than the cough and feeling “phlegmy”, I had an appetite, energy and felt totally fine! I never spent any day in bed or all that tired.

Day 5-11

My cough went away by the morning of day 6, but I still felt “phlegmy” and some head pressure. I slowly lost my sense of taste and smell over a couple days and that was my longest lasting symptom.

Day 12-14

I felt almost completely back to my old self, got a test and it came back inconclusive. I got another one the day after I got that result and it came back negative. I got another test a few days after that just to confirm and it cam back negative as well. My taste and smell slowly returned and I have no lasting symptoms!

What i did for support before:

  • *Every day, I went out for at least 1 30 minute walk, often much more (this really helped prevent it from settling in my chest once I got it)

  • *Each morning, I got fresh air and exposed as much skin as possible to the sun to up my vitamin D levels

  • *Drank 70+ ounces of clean filtered water with minerals like Redmond’s or Celtic salt

  • *Limited consumption of all processed foods + no sugar, gluten, dairy, or refined oils

  • *** To help with my histamine levels, I was taking 3-4 quercitin per day for about 6 months. I think this helped a ton in keeping my case mild!

  • *Ate lots of antioxidant rich berries + anti-bacterial herbs like cilantro and garlic

  • *Kept my nervous system calm by grounding barefoot everyday, rebounding when I was at home, EFT, and other mindfulness practices

  • Red light therapy in an infrared sauna, dry brushing, exercise - any movement to help get the blood pumping and the body sweating

What I did to support my body through it:

In addition to continuing everything listed above…

  • Upp Vitamin C

  • *Upp Vitamin D (make sure to also get one with K2 to help it absorb)

  • Nebulize hydroxygen from CellCore Biosciences (@healingcavelady on IG has good info on this)

  • *Brush teeth 3x / day and tongue scraped to keep oral microbiome clean

  • Add in a Zinc supplement (like this one)

  • *Took Xlear nasal spray

  • *Took Colloidal silver nasal spray

What I did to support my body after:

I continued (and still continue) to do everything listed in the 2 sections listed above for about a week after but weaned off the nasal sprays.

I truly believe that all the fresh air, clean water/food, movement, and stress-reduction techniques helped me kick it to the curb, even with in my immune weakened state.

I hope that this was helpful! If you are currently going through it, trust in your bodies innate ability to heal and support you. There are so many great resources out there to aid in your healing as well. If you have any other questions, drop them in the comments here or shoot me a message on Instagram!


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