Do you feel like you have tried “all the things” but aspects of life are still feeling heavy, misaligned, and stagnant?

Do you wish there was something that could help clear what’s blocking you from achieving…

that relationship you have always wanted

the dream job that lights up your soul

releasing generational beliefs that aren’t serving

feeling strong, capable & worthy in your body?

What people are saying

My Approach


It starts by moving past your rational mind to uncover what is blocking you on a cellular level.


Using idiomotor testing, we meet the blocks that are coming up and acknowledge how they may have served you in the past.


We finish your session by clearing the blocks that are no longer in alignment with your highest good.

Work with me ·

Work with me ·

If you are ready for change, schedule a session below!

By listening to the wisdom of your body, I help put words to what’s stuck within while utilizing a variety of tools to help clear the blocks during our session.

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