• How do you do the clearings?

    I use a combination of intuitive work and idiomotor testing (aka muscle testing). Learn a bit more about one of the modalities I use called MBSR (Mind Body Spirit Release) here!

  • Are sessions in person?

    I do all of my clearings remotely via Zoom and tune into your energy using myself as a proxy. Here is a bit more about how that process works!

  • How long is a session?

    Our time together is around an hour with a bit more spent alone after our call! Before we get off our Zoom together, I will send you a frequency to listen to. We will then hang up and I ask that you spend another 10-15 minutes listening to that as I finish the clearing.

  • How often do people do clearings?

    As with most things, this number varies! At the end of each clearing, I test for when your body wants another. The most common frequency is a session every 3-4 weeks. Additionally, I will reach out if you book a session to get it rescheduled for a more optimal time if your body isn’t ready!

  • How many clearings are needed?

    As with frequency, amount varies. I always say that after your first, you will “just know” when it’s time for another - in addition to having a suggested amount of time. I’ve had clients do around 3-4 clearings, and I have clients who are on 15+. It’s less about the number, and more about the layers you are peeling back / other modalities you may be doing as well that determine how many you end up doing.

  • What can I expect to feel?

    Many report feeling “lighter”. Others feel release in physical symptoms such as nausea, pain, etc. Still others are able to eat foods that previously caused a reaction. As we clear things on the energetic plane, we can experience a variety of effects on the physical one.